
Dynamic program with factories

As shown in the Object-Service concept example, it is easy to change data and service to modify the application behavior by working on a mesh instead of an image. However, this is limited to one service working with one data. It is impossible to manage several objects/services to create complex software.

Then FW4SPL architecture provides a dynamic management of configurations to allow the use of multiple objects and services.

Dynamic program with application configuration

In the fwService library, an application configuration parser allows to parse XML files then creates and manages objects, services and communications.

// The parser
void main (int argc , char * argv [])
    string xmlAppConfigPath = argv [1];

    ::fwServices::AppConfigManager::sptr acm
            = ::fwServices::AppConfigManager::New();

    acm->create(); // Creates objects and services from config.
    acm->start(); // Starts services specified in config.
    acm->update(); // Updates services specified in config.

    acm->stop(); // Stops services specified in config.
    acm->destroy(); // Destroy all services and then data.

The following part correspond to the configuration XML file of the previous Object-Service concept example.

<object uid="image" type ="::fwData::MyData">

    <service uid="frame" impl="DefaultFrame" type="IFrame" >
        <!-- service configuration -->

    <service uid="view" impl="MyCustomImageView"
             type="::fwRender::IRender" >
        <!-- service configuration -->

    <service uid="reader" impl="MyCustomImageReader"
             type="::io::IReader" >
        <!-- service configuration -->

    <!-- view listen now image modification -->

    <start uid="frame" />
    <start uid="view"/>
    <start uid="reader"/>

    <!-- Read the image on filesystem and notify
         the view to refresh is content -->
    <update uid ="reader"/>

</ object >

This is a simple example to show how to build an application with several objects and services thanks to a program and its configurations files.